[jdev] Ruby Jabber Server

Jonathan Chayce Dickinson chayce.za at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 08:41:23 CDT 2007

On Sat, 2007-08-11 at 13:56 +0200, Stephan Maka wrote:
> Jonathan Chayce Dickinson wrote:
> > Party. I will pull what I can from XMPP4R. E.g. XML Pipe.
> If you're ok with its license please contribute any generic stuff to
> XMPP4R, so other developers can benefit from it.

I will see how my architecture (which I have not decided on yet) will
relate to XMPP4R, but I definitely if it works out. I do believe in the
OSI, that's why I am making it open source myself!

If you find anything that interests you in it, feel free to tear it out
and put it into XMPP4R.

Btw, nice, clear and understandable code in XMPP4R (except for
REXML::XPathParser, yeauch ;) )...

Jonathan Dickinson
Developer [Xeer Technology]

email:      chayce.za at gmail.com
jabber:     chayce.za at jabber.org
twitter:    Moitoius

Principle will kick us all in the butt one day. If you have principle,
you have all you will ever need.
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