[jdev] File Transfer Interoperability

Sergei Golovan sgolovan at nes.ru
Wed Aug 8 02:38:26 CDT 2007

On 8/8/07, Justin Karneges <justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com> wrote:
> In Psi we solved this by adding a timeout to the accept phase.  The sender
> must begin the S5B negotiation within 30 seconds of the receiver

Using timeouts is a common way to workaround poorly designed
protocols. But isn't it better to fix protocol itself? In case of IBB
adding new XEP (almost) doesn't cause any harm.

> pressing "Accept".  If the timeout expires, a dialog is presented to the
> receiver that says something along the lines of "the sender probably
> cancelled".

Sergei Golovan

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