[jdev] File Transfer Interoperability

Sergei Golovan sgolovan at nes.ru
Wed Aug 8 02:22:13 CDT 2007

On 8/8/07, Justin Karneges <justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com> wrote:
> I wouldn't put this at the IBB level.  A negotiation timeout will work well
> enough there.
> The problem you speak of, which does indeed happen a lot, has more to do with
> the SI exchange.  If someone offers a file, and you take too long to accept,
> they may cancel the file offer and you'll never know.  This will happen
> regardless of whether you use S5B or IBB or anything.

Any other file transfer method requires opening a socket by the
receiving party. If the socket can't be opened then the stream is
obviously invalid. IBB lacks this part, and I think it would be good
to add it. It would make a file transfer working essentially the same
regardless of the SI method used.

Sergei Golovan

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