[jdev] XMPP Ping method?

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Tue Oct 31 19:59:29 CST 2006

On Tuesday 31 October 2006 4:49 pm, Scott Robinson wrote:
> What is the proper method of performing a ping across a client XMPP
> connection.

There isn't.  There was a JEP/XEP proposal to add Acking and Ping features to 
the protocol, but it wasn't accepted as a XEP (that is, it died before it 
even got a XEP number).  The JSF Council recommendation was to take care of 
these features in the XMPP-Core RFC instead of a XEP.  This seems unlikely 
though, as I think the RFC revision has already been made, and there was no 
consideration for these features.


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