[jdev] Bulk Request to add in jabber

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Tue Oct 17 14:36:10 CDT 2006

Panchal, Pankaj wrote:
> Hello.
>     Could you please let me know IF I have a huge list of jabber IDs and  wish to add all quickly , what can be done instead of sending a separate request to each user?
> I tried to do so , using jabber roster utility:
>         https://beta.unclassified.de/projekte/jru-php/jru.php
> But was not successful as my request is for intranet jabber JCS v2.7.11.1.

Some servers support this kind of functionality, which is often called
"shared groups". I don't know if JCS 2.7 supports that, but you can
contact the developer of that server for answers.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

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