[jdev] HTTP connection manager

Bernhard Zwischenbrugger bz at datenkueche.com
Tue Oct 10 12:06:47 CDT 2006


jep-0124 is possible with punjab, http-binding (tomcat from stefan
striegler)  or ejabberd with jep-0124 patch (also written by stefan).

At the client side you maybe have a problem. If it should work in 
a mobile browser you will have problems with AJAX. 
"Mobile Opera" can do AJAX but not "Opera Mini".


Am Dienstag, den 10.10.2006, 11:32 +0200 schrieb Menno Bieringa:
> Hi everyone, 
> I'm on a mission to create a mobile chat client (amongst others) and
> I'm currently in the stage of deciding how to manage the connection
> between the webservers and de XMPP server. So there's an XMPP server,
> some webservers and some wap-clients. 
> Since there has to be a statefull, persistent connection to the XMPP
> server while the webserver is stateless, I'll be needing some sort of
> connection manager between the webserver and the XMPP server. 
> Am I correct? Or are there other alternatives? 
> I've heard about the jhb connection manager, but it's not JEP-0124
> compliant. Also fconmgr should be doing a similar job, using the
> fastCGI module for Apache, but I can imagine that the latter might
> have some serious performance issues. Besides the fact that neither me
> nor my system administrator could get it installed. 
> Does anyone have advice, a different view, or other usefull
> information for me? 
> Thanks a lot in advance. 
> Menno Bieringa 

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