[jdev] Re: JabberCom

Alexandre alexandrepires2007 at yahoo.com.br
Mon Nov 13 17:28:41 CST 2006

Thanks Alex,

Do you know some another library that can be used with delphi 7 ?


"Alexander Gnauck" <gnauck at ag-software.de> wrote in message 
news:ejar12$rs5$1 at sea.gmane.org...
>> I am trying to connect to host 'talk.google.com' using JabberCom and 
>> Delphi 7, but JabberCom send  the following xml line to server:
> JabberCom was not updated for many years. It's not XMPP 1.0 compatible 
> which is the reason you are not able to connect to GTalk with JabberCom.
> You should use another existing library.
> Alex

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