[jdev] Beginning Jabber Client Development!

Joonas Govenius joonas.govenius at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 16:34:01 CST 2006

On 11/13/06, Sönmez Kartal <sonmezkartal at inbox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll do this client application for commercial use. I'm on open source side but I have to live too! :-)
> That's the why I said beginning. I'll build this application for a company's solution. It will be a part of commercial solution. I cannot use an open source project.
> Is this means I'll have to implement all protocols myself?

You could still use a BSD or LGPL licensed library but I don't know
which (if any) of them are licensed under such licenses. In any case,
I'm quite convinced it would more efficient for you company to base
the solution on an existing library even if you had to pay license
fees. I believe that would be possible with the Jive Software
libraries for example.


BTW, no, I don't have anything to do with Jive ;-)

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