[jdev] type='available' in <presence/> stanza

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Tue Mar 28 08:57:36 CST 2006

On 3/28/06, Marco Balmer <maba-mailings-jdev at micressor.ch> wrote:
> I have a question about RFC 3921. Is it allowed to set on a connection from
> server>client type='available'?

> For example:
> <presence xml:lang="en" from="xy at jabber.domain.tld"
> type="available" to="user at jabber2.domain.tld/Laptop" / >

If you can _please_ track down this user and find out which software
they're using.  Take the software out and shoot it :-P

Seriously though, this is probably an older client that hasn't been
updated to follow the specs when they were updated.  A friendly
message to the client developer is all that's required if the client
hasn't been updated.  Chances are the client has already been fixed,
and the user just needs to install the newer version.

- Norman Rasmussen
 - Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
 - Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/

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