[jdev] Question about resource binding to server implementors

Vinod Panicker vinod.p at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 03:08:00 CST 2006

On 3/28/06, Philipp Hancke <fippo at goodadvice.pages.de> wrote:
> Vinod Panicker wrote:
> >>According to to specification, resource must be unique, therefore it
>  >>is not allowed to have two same resources.
> > There's no such requirement in the RFC.
> rfc 3920, section 3.4:
> An entity MAY maintain multiple connected resources simultaneously,
> with each connected resource differentiated by a distinct resource
> identifier.

This makes it extremely clear.  I've been using this till now -

   o  The provided resource identifier is already in use but the server
      does not allow binding of multiple connected resources with the
      same identifier.

>From section 7.  This leaves room for doubt that the server MAY allow
binding of multiple connected resources with the same identifier.

> > In fact, the RFC states that a server may allow multiple "connected"
>  > resources with the same resource identifier.
> Where?
> This is possible after resource binding and before session
> establishment, but
> rfc 3921, section 3:
> If there is already an active resource of the same name, the server
> MUST either [...]
> there is never more than one active session per resource identifier.

Yes, that seems to be implied. I'd really like it to be more direct though.


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