[jdev] SamePlace 0.2.9+0.3.0prealpha

Massimiliano Mirra k03k7rc02 at sneakemail.com
Mon Mar 27 09:04:39 CST 2006

>  > That would be nice.  It's very simple: the client calculates
>  > the MD5 of the URL (which will be the room name), queries a
>  > remote API to find the server hosting the room for that URL,
>  > then joins the room.
> What kind of API is this? Is it something that can be used by others or
> is it tied to Sametime?

It's just an HTTP request.  Right now it is e.g.
for http://www.sameplace.cc/, it will become
http://api.sameplace.cc/<version>/<action> soon.


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