[jdev] SamePlace 0.2.9+0.3.0prealpha

Heiner Wolf wolf at bluehands.de
Mon Mar 27 07:44:51 CST 2006

Massimiliano Mirra schrieb:
> I stumbled over lluna.de but quickly dismissed it because it
> seemed to need web server setup.  As Eric (Jeti) pointed out
> some days ago, I was mistaken, the setup is optional.

Yes, the idea is that Web sites can control where people chat, so they 
can exercise their domesic authority, but if they don't then default 
mapping rules apply and people meet on a default server.

 > That would be nice.  It's very simple: the client calculates
 > the MD5 of the URL (which will be the room name), queries a
 > remote API to find the server hosting the room for that URL,
 > then joins the room.

What kind of API is this? Is it something that can be used by others or 
is it tied to Sametime?

Our concept is to let the client do the mapping from document URL to 
chat rooms by means of mapping rules. The rules use regular expressions. 
This gives much flexibility to map URLs to rooms. It can combine 
hosts/domain names or separate users into different rooms if they have 
different URL query params. And it is simple for Web admins to 
configure, if they like.

Dr. Heiner Wolf
bluehands GmbH & Co.mmunication KG
+49 (0721) 16108 75
Jabber enabled Virtual Presence on the Web: www.lluna.de
Open Source Future History: www.galactic-developments.de

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