[jdev] auto-updating server list

Oleg Motienko motienko at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 10:05:20 CST 2006


On 3/12/06, Wijnand Wiersma <wwiersma at gmail.com> wrote:

> Very very cool.
> I looked up my server, nedbsd.nl, and I found it in the list. But
> there is also another entry which is called "nedbsd.nl subdomains", my
> other jabberdomains don't have such a entry (shady.nl for example).
> Could you explain what and how?

If there is database records with name "service1.example.com",
"service2.example.com" etc,
"example.com subdomains" node with this names will be dispayed on disco.


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