[jdev] virtual hosting and certificate checking

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Wed Mar 1 18:41:24 CST 2006

On Wednesday 01 March 2006 15:49, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> Yes, CAcert is great and I've been working with them to get support for
> id-on-xmppAddr into their certs. But that doesn't necessarily make it
> easier for people who are hosting a *lot* of XMPP domains to support TLS.

SSL/TLS is supposed to be end-to-end, in the sense that the client and server 
are the ends.  Even if two domains are hosted at the same hosting service, I 
would definitely not condone sharing of the private key unless the domains 
are intimately related (e.g., they are owned by the same customer account).


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