[jdev] pubsub questions

bernhard bz at datenkueche.com
Mon Jan 2 11:09:33 CST 2006

Hi all

I'm new on the mailinglist - hallo to all.

At the moment I'm working on a browser-based (jep-0124) jabber pubsub 
Pubsub is new and I have some questions.

User - Pubsub relation
Is there a relation between user-jid und pubsub "home-node"?
As I have seen, all the servers have the following settings:

useraccount: testuser at jabber.ru
pubsub-home: server="pubsub.jabber.ru" node="home/jabber.ru/testuser

Is this a 1:1 relation? Is it possible to get the pubsub-home of a user 
with this alorithmus:
server= "pubsub."+server

If not, is there an other possibility to get the "home-node" of a user?

Hirachie in Pubsub
Pubsub - the global XML DB is really cool.
If many applications store data using pubsub, there is a need for a 
"file hierarchie standard".
Where should my application store user data?
Is documentation available for that?

It maybe makes not much sense, to store the content of a DVD, base64 
encoded in Pubsub.
But where are the limits?
I try to make a blog software the stores html files in pubsub.
Is it a good idea, to store images in pubsub?
Or is pubsub intended to save small files like config data?


I want to save HTML Files in Pubsub.
To view the HTML Files a browser is needed and I need a URI Schema to 
display a specific html content.
The html-documents will have links and this links will point to an other 
pubsub resource.

The URL will look like:
and will open the first item of this node and displays it after applying 
an XSLT XSS filter.
A "relativ" hyperlink looks like <a 
Is this a good idea?

that's it for the moment.
Thanks or reading

Bernhard Zwischenbrugger
University of Applied Sciences St.Pölten

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