[jdev] Web Client + Anonymous Use

ennova2005-jabber at yahoo.com ennova2005-jabber at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 20 14:07:08 CST 2006

I noticed recently that group chat clients have appeared that use SASL Anonymous or otherwise let users particpate in group chat without creating a persistent account on the target server.

Is the same mode supported for person to person standard IM ? If so, which XMPP servers/clients support it ? 

My use case would be embed a web client on a portal so that transient visitors could chat with me when I am logged in using an authenticated jabber client on my desktop (but not use a group chat interface to do so). So the XMPP server would have to simultaneously support  both standard authentication for company employees but anonymous for visitors.

I can think of a few workarounds using group chat interface, but in this case would prefer the use of one on one IM interface.


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