[jdev] PyMSNt 0.11 release

James Bunton james at delx.cjb.net
Fri Feb 17 09:21:10 CST 2006

Hi all.

PyMSNt 0.11 is being released.

Major new features:
* File transfer support
* Removed annoying twistd stuff
* Log verbosity controls
* Should run better than 0.10.x on Windows
* Automatically chooses reactor
* Files don't get erased if the filesystem is full

Lots of other little things have changed. Be sure to read through the 
documentation at

This is especially important for client developers, because a new 
namespace is being used for roster-subsync. The old code had a nasty 
bug in it, and to avoid clients accidentally blocking all their 
contacts, you should only pay attention to roster-subsyncs from the new 
xmlns. Check the developer docs for details.

I'll be releasing a new version of webreg to match this release within 
a few weeks. Including that patch to allow it to work with Google Talk 
(DNS SRV support)

I'll be away and out of touch for a week. I'll get onto any bug reports 
when I get home. This is the same code from svn trunk that I haven't 
received any bug reports on for a few weeks though, so it should work 
just fine :)

Please direct any bug reports to the py-transports at blathersource.org 
mailing list. I'm more likely to miss something in jadmin or jdev when 
I get back.




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