[jdev] Starting in the jabber Protocol

Steve Ramage jadminspammedme at sjrx.net
Mon Feb 13 17:14:14 CST 2006

Juan Andres Gomez Robaina wrote:

>  Hi Everybody (if this email is read by anyone), My name is Juan and
> i´m from Uruguay, for educational porpouse i´m starting to develop an
> IM solution, i´ve heard that Jabber is the best protocol to use but Í
> don´t know exactly how to start. I´m going to develop using C++ and
> VB6. It´s going to be an applicattion that´s going to interoperate
> with Google Talk Can anyone help me? Thanks. 

Unless you need something very specific done, I would agree with Hal
that you are probably better of using one of the existing Server client
implementations. However if you are determined to make your own my
advice is as follows.

1) Read RFC 3920 and RFC3921 They describe the protocol in its entirety.
2) Use an XML Parser as opposed to a string parser.
3) Test with a client that has an XML Console so that you can see what
is being sent.

There is a book on Jabber Programming in VB its a few years old but it
should still be useable and its for VB6. You may want to look into it.

Steve R

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