[jdev] JEP-0124: multiple HTTP connections

Stefan Strigler steve at zeank.in-berlin.de
Fri Feb 3 18:50:39 CST 2006

Am Freitag, den 03.02.2006, 14:52 -0700 schrieb Peter Saint-Andre:

> JEP-0124 requires a connection manager to handle multiple simultaneous
> HTTP connections from the same client. I can't recall the rationale for
> this design decision, but I've received feedback off-list that it makes
> the connection manager fairly complex to code (and more complex than it
> needs to be unless there is some compelling reason to support multiple
> connections). Have any implementors run into issues with this?

More or less that's what makes http binding different from those polling
stuff. While one connection is waiting for data the client is still able
to send data by creating a new connection.


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