[jdev] jabberd2 2.1 Release

Remko Tronçon remko at el-tramo.be
Sun Dec 3 08:48:32 CST 2006

> That's not a good solution either.
> Reading jadmin list you see, that there are people having problems with
> 2.0sXX series, that I've fixed long time ago.

I still don't see the problem. If the Jabberd2 webpage says "Development of
jabberd2 has been discontinued. The project is now MyNewJabberServer on
http://mynewjabberserver.org", people will quickly get the message that
jabberd2 is dead. The same happened with msn-t. That, or replace the
jabberd2 webpage with 'Jabberd2 has moved to ...', either should be fine. I
just wouldn't leave the current page as it is, because it still shows up as
the only jabberd2 website on Google.

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