[jdev] jabberd2 2.1 Release

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.eu
Sun Dec 3 08:36:08 CST 2006

Sander Devrieze schrieb:
> Add a note to the old website saying "This project is abandoned and
> unmaintained. <b>No security fixes or patches will be made!</b> Please
> strongly consider switching to a <a href="http://some_page_on
> xmpp.*_that_lists_all_maintained_XMPP_servers"> maintained XMPP
> server</a>."

Well there are security fixes for jabberd2 and Tomasz does release them
(beside other work he does on the code). Why should we than not link to
Tomasz' site? Linking to a complete server list will suggest a user,
that he has to switch to another software product, which is not true.

This would not only be bad for Tomasz and jabberd2, but for the whole
Jabber community, as it gives the impression, that we consist of a set
of discontinued projects.

Would you expect Jabber.com to link to a complete list of XMPP server
implementations, just because they are moving to location of the
download site, or because the CTO there has changed?

Beside I that I am really happy that Tomasz continues the work on
jabberd2. All server projects benefit from competition. As the coders
see how others are implementing something, or see the new features
someone else had the idea of.

Tot kijk

Matthias Wimmer      Fon +49-700 77 00 77 70
Züricher Str. 243    Fax +49-89 95 89 91 56
81476 München        http://ma.tthias.eu/

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