[jdev] Re: simple voice chat jabber

Mikael Hallendal micke at imendio.com
Fri Dec 1 18:56:25 CST 2006

2 dec 2006 kl. 01.03 skrev michael mendel:


You can find a list of code libraries at:


Find one in a language you like to write your client in and you  
should be able to find examples and documentation about those  
libraries on their project pages.

Best Regards,
   Mikael Hallendal

> Hello All
> I am a new at the voice chat Jabber, do you have some simple  
> exaples at c/c++/c# to make a voice chat with an open source  
> running in window platform, like freeswitch console mode for example.
> Regards,
>  Michael Mendel

Imendio AB, http://www.imendio.com

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