[jdev] Re: help needed to implement a P2P Chat Client

Tijl Houtbeckers thoutbeckers at splendo.com
Mon Aug 28 19:03:25 CDT 2006

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:41:21 +0200, Ravi <ravikapoor101 at gmail.com> wrote:

> You have a very valid point. However these issues are not unique to P2P  
> chat. This begs the question, how do current chat clients (jabber or  
> otherwise) manage P2P audio/video transmission? If it can be done for  
> audio/video, it can be done for text.

Very poorly. I know only one exception to this, and that is Skype, which  
I'd call reasonable since it least it always works (often with degraded  
quality, but that's better than nothing). Skype isn't completly p2p  
though. And that's only for audio I believe.

It's not entirely the fault of the clients themselves either.. there's a  
lot of technology out there that's very useful when it works, but has the  
opposite effect when it doesn't (like uPnP).

I haven't found the perfect client/server combination yet either for that  
matter, but Jabber can sporadically be seen moving towards that goal.

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