[jdev] Online Game Group is pleased to announce a new version of palaver!

Ralph Meijer jabber.org at ralphm.ik.nu
Mon Aug 28 02:10:29 CDT 2006

On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 09:20:46PM -0400, Christopher Zorn wrote:
> [..]
> Added 'player' role and affiliation.

Huh? I'm not sure if JEP-0045 allows custom roles/affiliations. Why you
would you need that and why you would have both a role and an
affiliation here. Could you expand on this a bit?

> [..]
> Added ability for other message elements to be broadcasted and put in 
> history.

Did earlier versions of palaver actively munge data before broadcasting?

> [..]

Anyway, cool stuff. I will try this out again soon.



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