HA: [jdev] Jabber XCP custom component System.out and JLogger logs

Bilyk, Yuriy YBilyk at luxoft.com
Tue Aug 15 04:08:17 CDT 2006


You could
1) change "Command line to run" (exec command) in your component configuration page and redirect the output to the specified file >, >&  (this corresponds System.out)
2) proper configuration of the Jlog in the configuration manager. (put checkbox to the "Component logger", "Logger", "Filtered syslog". 

Logs, specified  in jabber.xml configure a logging for the main jabberd process. 

> Yuri

-----Исходное сообщение-----
От: jdev-bounces at jabber.org от имени Shashi Kumar
Отправлено: Вт, 15.08.2006 4:37
Кому: jdev at jabber.org
Тема: [jdev] Jabber XCP custom component System.out and JLogger logs
Hi ,
I am very much new to Jabber.
We have Jabber XCP 5.0 and I have put System.out and JLogger logs statements
in the XCP component java files.
I am not able to see those System.out and JLogger logs output on the server
console or the log file that I have configured in jabber.xml.
Could somebody please let me know how to enable the System.out and JLogger
logs  output on jabber server (jabberd).

Thanks & Regards
Shashi Kumar

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