[jdev] stream features and jabber:iq:auth

Stefan Strigler steve at zeank.in-berlin.de
Tue Sep 13 07:16:37 CDT 2005

Hello list, is it correct behavior that if asking a server for stream
features by supplying a "version='1.0'" to the opening stream tag like

<stream:stream xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'
xmlns='jabber:client' to='im.example.com' version='1.0'>

and the server indeed is capable of doing SASL authentication it may not
accept a jabber:iq:auth style type of authentication then?

Or let me rephrase to make it more clearly: A client may use
authentication based on jabber:iq:auth only if it didn't supply a
version attribute within the opening stream tag?

Regards, Steve

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