[jdev] About the Net::Jabber Charset !

LUKE luke at tc.program.com.tw
Fri Sep 9 03:46:09 CDT 2005

Sorry! My english is very poor!

How to handle chinese mesage using Net::Jabber??
I use the Exodus, Gush, Pandion, Psi, Trillian Pro client to receive the message.But it have error in
showing chinese message.
use Encode --- Encode::from_to($subject, "big5", "utf-8" ) --- can not make it correct.

Net::Jabber V2.0
perl 5.8.7 ( ActivePerl Build 813)
use strict;
use Net::Jabber;

# Declare our constants
# ---------------------
use constant RECIPIENT => 'luke at localhost';      # Jabber ID to be notified
use constant SERVER    => 'localhost';         # Jabber server to connect to
use constant PORT      => 5222;          # Port to connect to
use constant USER      => 'luke';      # user this script connects as
use constant PASSWORD  => 'luke!@#';      # password associated with USER
use constant RESOURCE  => 'perlscript';

# Read and parse email and extract header info
# --------------------------------------------
# Create a new Jabber client and connect
# --------------------------------------
my $connection = Net::Jabber::Client->new();
$connection->Connect( "hostname" => SERVER,
                      "port"     => PORT )
   or die "Cannot connect ($!)\n";

# Identify and authenticate with the server
# -----------------------------------------
my @result = $connection->AuthSend( "username" => USER,
                                    "password" => PASSWORD,
                                    "resource" => RESOURCE );
if ($result[0] ne "ok") {
  die "Ident/Auth with server failed: $result[0] - $result[1]\n";

while (<HANDLE>){
if ($_=~/^\[(.*)\]\s+\[(.*)\]\s+(.*)<(.*)>\s+\->\s+<(.*)>\s+\((.*)/){
# Create a message and build it up
# --------------------------------
my $time=$1;
my $from=$4;
my $to=$5;
my $subject=$6;
use Encode;
Encode::from_to($subject, "big5", "utf-8" ) ;
my $msg = Net::Jabber::Message->new();
$msg->SetMessage( "to"      => RECIPIENT,
                  "subject" => "Email from $from",
                  "body"    => join("\n", "Subject: $subject",
                                          "Date: $time") );
# Send the message
# ----------------
# Disconnect from the Jabber server
# ---------------------------------

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