[SPAM] [jdev] Best practices regarding roster management by clients ?

Dominik Zabłotny dominz at wp.pl
Thu Sep 8 11:04:51 CDT 2005

Dnia 08-09-2005, czw o godzinie 15:00 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum napisał(a):
> (A) Should a client display contacts with subscription=none or
> subscription=from (and not ask=subscribe) ? You obviously don't care
> about those contacts, and they will never send you any presence, so
> why
> lose space in your contact list ? 

I always thought that if there is any subscription, contact have to be
in roster, but besides that roster and subscriptions are orthogonal.
What if the contact isn't interested by exchanging presence and prefers
only exchanging messages?  Most clients I've seen consider these
contacts unavailable and allows to hide all unavailable contacts.

Dominik Zablotny
xmpp:doza at chrome.pl

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