[jdev] JEP-0085 clarification

Travis Shirk nicfit at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 20:05:13 CDT 2005


JEP-0085: "Chat State Notifications"[1] states that <inactive/> should
be sent when:

User does not interact with the chat interface for an intermediate
period of time (e.g., 30 seconds), minimizes the chat interface, or
starts interacting with another chat interface or application.

The phrase "starts interacting with another chat interface or
application" simply restates (only with more ambiguity) "User does not
interact with the chat interface for an intermediate period of time
(e.g., 30 seconds)".

Imagine the following scenario:
1) UserA sends question to UserB
2) UserB receives message and consults browser/editor/etc. to answer
3) UserB sends answer to UserA

At no point during this exchange does UserB stop "paying attention" to
the chat, so no, I don't think that an <inactive/> should be sent. 

For completeness, if step #2 involved UserB getting distracted and
surfing the web for the next N+1 seconds an <inactive/> MUST be sent.

Is there anyone out there that supports sending <inactive/> every time a
window loses focus? (/me is cocked and ready :)), and if not, can we get
an update to the JEP that stresses that this is not the intention.



[1] http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0085.html
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