[jdev] Namespace IRI handling when forwarding stanzas between c2s and s2s links

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Wed Nov 30 06:53:16 CST 2005

Hrm, testing on an internal jabberd2, and then from jabberd2 to
ejabberd - the presence element keeps it's jabber:server namespace.

I think that when the stanza goes from s2s to c2s, and visa vera, you
should only be changing the namespace on the stanza's root node - and
not on all the subnodes inside the stanza too.

On 11/30/05, Matthias Wimmer <m at tthias.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am currently finishing namespace support for the next release of
> jabberd14. One remaining thing that is not completely clear to me is the
> handling of the different namespace IRIs on c2s- and s2s-links.
> Currently I am just mapping all three namespaces 'jabber:client',
> 'jabber:server', and 'jabber:component:accept' to the same jabberd14
> internal namespace. When I am serializing the stanzas, I check which
> type of connection the stanza is serialized on and use the standard
> namespace IRI for this type of connection.
> The problem I have with that is the following:
> Assume a client sends the following stanza:
> <message xmlns='jabber:client' from='user1 at example.com'
> to='user2 at example.com'>
>     <body>Some example stanza, that is not very useful, but should
> demonstrate my problem</body>
>     <x xmlns='http://example.com/someStrangeExtension'>
>         <presence xmlns='jabber:server'/>
>     </x>
> </message>
> This stanza gets delivered to user2 as:
> <message xmlns='jabber:client' from='user1 at example.com'
> to='user2 at example.com'>
>     <body>Some example stanza, that is not very useful, but should
> demonstrate my problem</body>
>     <x xmlns='http://example.com/someStrangeExtension'>
>         <presence xmlns='jabber:client'/>
>     </x>
> </message>
> (Note the namespace switch for the <presence/> element.)
> Is this namespace change allowed, or is this an error?
> In that simple case I could keep the namespace of the presence element
> intact very easily by just switching namespaces, when resending from one
> connection type to another. But it gets more complicated when user2 is
> on another server and I have to use s2s. In that case <message/> and
> <presence/> for sure are send as 'jabber:server' to the other server.
> But how does the other server know, that only the namespace of the
> <message/> element has to be mapped back to 'jabber:client' before delivery?
> Tot kijk
>       Matthias

- Norman Rasmussen
 - Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
 - Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/

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