[jdev] roster-subsync

Hernan Tylim htylim at novamens.com
Wed Nov 16 13:20:57 CST 2005


I am currently forced to make neos work right with pyMSN so I don't 
really have much choice. Which is bad, because I was kind of already 
supporting Roster Item Exchange :) well, not JEP-0144 but the deprecated 

Thanks for all your answers.


Tijl Houtbeckers wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:00:52 +0100, Peter Saint-Andre 
> <stpeter at jabber.org>  wrote:
>> [snip]
> The Jabber Council at the time had some feedback for the author
>> of the "protoJEP":
>> https://www.jabber.org/standards-jig/2004-September/006368.html
>> However, the author did not respond to the questions or provide an
>> updated version of his proposal.
> Actually there was a reply to these question raised, and some of those  
> were answered before the council's decision (I guess you can't expect 
> the  council to read every message on this list). However, those replies 
> were  left unanswered as well (before and after the rejection).
> However trying to get this JEP accepted inspired another JEP, there 
> were  some issues raised about that JEP (it doesn't replace the 
> proposed  functionality of roster-subsync, and some security nitpicking 
> compared to  roster-subsync). These issues were not addressed, however 
> the JEP is an  improvement over another JEP it superseeded. And today 
> this JEP ("Roster  Item Exchange": 
> http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0144.html) is not only  accepted but a 
> DRAFT as well.
> So if you're looking to use something yourself, I'd look at that first.  
> Only if you need the specific features that roster-subsync offers over 
> 144  (synchronized subscription states, security where contacts can only 
> modify  their own state, not others') should you look at that.
> Unless you want to take advantage of this feature offered by pyMSN of  
> course, then besides here:
>> http://www.jabber.org/jeps/inbox/rostersync.html
> you can also look here:  
> http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/docs/developer.html

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