[jdev] Re: Resource-to-Resource Messaging and priorities

Alexander Gnauck gnauck at ag-software.de
Fri Nov 11 00:36:55 CST 2005

Remko Troncon schrieb:
>>RECV: <message to="roel at davenport.office.sping.nl/BuzzaaMobile<http://roel@davenport.office.sping.nl/BuzzaaMobile>"
>>type="chat" id="mir_8"
>>from="roel at davenport.office.sping.nl/buzzaaclient"<http://roel@davenport.office.sping.nl/buzzaaclient">><body>test</body><x
> It's probably me, but what are those strange <http://roel@davenport> things ?
> Is that really part of the stream, or some logging format, because sometimes 
> it appears inside quotes and sometimes outside, i can't make a system out of 
> it.

This must be the control which your are using to display the xml debug. 
Eg a rtf control that autodetect links and email addresses. And jabber 
IDs look like email addresses and in your case like @Domains.


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