[jdev] Re: bytestreams and Psi

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Wed Nov 9 03:27:35 CST 2005

On Tuesday 08 November 2005 23:52, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> What I meant is that we already have some kind of bytestream negotiation
> with the <streamhost/> and <streamhost-used/> and mixing this with
> sending special bytes seems pretty ugly.
> It is a direct way to minimize the racing conditions, true.
> But you still have it, although the risk is much smaller than if routed
> directly as xml.

As far as I know, there is no risk at all.  You will have to explain what you 

> The problem comes when you (we) allow symmetric streamhosts but it is
> not an option to let the target timeout before it offers its streamhost.
> I don't have any good ideas for a protocol to solve this sync problem.
> Any ideas?

What is a "symmetric streamhost" ?  What do you mean to let the target timeout 
before offering a streamhost?


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