[jdev] SASL EXTERNAL for s2s in jabberd14

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Mon Nov 7 16:12:42 CST 2005

Matthias Wimmer wrote:
> I guess the standard case for virtual 
> hosting is to have multiple certificates. It might be practicable to 
> have multiple services, that are subdomains of the same domain in the 
> certificate, but for multiple domains of different virtual servers, I 
> expect, that you get into problems to get this signed as soon as the 
> domains are owned by different persons/organisations. 

Ah, for different virtual hosts, yes I think you might need a separate 
certificate for each.

> Another problem 
> with a single multi-domain certificate might be, that you have to get a 
> new certificate whenever you add a new service to the server.

True. But that's also true for personal email certificates -- if you 
want to add another email address (as I did recently for my CAcert 
certificate), you need to generate a new certificate. As long as you 
have a good certificate provider, that should not be a problem. ;-)


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