[jdev] SASL EXTERNAL for s2s in jabberd14

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Fri Nov 4 18:30:49 CST 2005

On Friday 04 November 2005 16:07, Matthias Wimmer wrote:
> that it seems to be common, that I get connects with certificates, that
> will fail on the domain check. Due to my logs all servers connecting
> with transport IDs at present use certificates for the server domain,
> not for the transport domain.
> If I'd offer SASL to these connects, they'd all try SASL first, that
> would fail and the server would have to reconnect and try dialback.

Why would a connecting server present a certificate, and then invoke SASL 
EXTERNAL with an authzid that doesn't match what is written in the 
certificate?  Sounds to me like a configuration problem in the connecting 
server that you probably shouldn't encourage.


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