[jdev] Net::Jabber Process() blocking

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Sun May 29 05:01:55 CDT 2005

Here's a quick and nasty script I wrote to quickly return a list of
users logged in, using service discovery (using it with jabberd 2.0s8).
It works fine 80% of the time, but sometimes it blocks at the Process 
line, even though there's a timeout specified.  Any reason as to why it
might be doing this?  Any way I could debug it?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';

use Net::Jabber qw(Client);
my $con = new Net::Jabber::Client();

$con->SetCallBacks("iq" => \&InIQ, "message" => \&InMessage);

$con->Connect(hostname=>'jabber.org.au') or die "Server connect
                 resource=>'sessions') and die "Login failed!\n";

my $req = new Net::Jabber::IQ();
my $query = $req->NewQuery('http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items');

sub InIQ {
  my ($sid,$IQ) = @_;
  if (($IQ->GetType() eq "result") and ($IQ->GetQueryXMLNS() eq
"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items") and
($IQ->GetQuery()->GetNode() eq 'sessions')) {
    foreach $item ($IQ->GetQuery()->GetItems()) {
      my $jid = $item->GetJID();
      if ($jid eq 'jeremy at jabber.org.au/sessions') {
      print $item->GetJID() . "\n";

Any ideas?


Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
Homepage: http://www.austux.net/

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