[jdev] Janchor headline service

Jeremy Nickurak atrus at jabber.spam.rifetech.com
Mon May 23 16:26:16 CDT 2005

After way too much time whining about how out of date my jabber server's
debian installation was, I'm finally running some real software on that
end, and have resumed doing some updates for the Janchor RSS->Jabber

I just checked in a few updates into current CVS, including:
- disabled the blank-message hack, because unicode issues are looking
much better under recent Net::Jabber, Net::XMPP, XML::Stream, Perl 5.8
- better logging entries
- 'do_source' command for manual source retrieval
- better monitoring of connection status
- don't send presence twice on subscribe
- don't try to send offline presence if we're not connected
- be safer about saving db's to disk when dying
- updated authentication for new Net::Jabber

I'd love to hear from people who are still running this somewhere. To my
untrained eye it seems that the stability has really improved after
updating to recent Net::Jabber and Perl 5.8.

Also, anyone who's had patches to add functionality to janchor in the
past, I'd love to see your suggestions again. Now that it's in a
somewhat more managable testing situation, I might actually be able to
look at adding things like service discovery support.

Jeremy Nickurak

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