[jdev] Re: Hints about the resolver

Ivan Santarelli ivan.santarelli at students.cefriel.it
Thu May 19 10:15:56 CDT 2005

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> Yes you can. Get them from the message part of the nad by first
> finding the message element (with nad_find_elem()) and the finding the
> to and from attributes (with nad_find_attr()).

I had to understand nad functions, I couldn't find docs about them
but eventually I managed! Thanks.

>>> Maybe you want to do that elsewhere, or maybe you even want to write
>>> your own component that can connect to the router and be default route
>>> before it sends stuff back to the s2s component?

After modifying some s2s code (out.c) I am realizing that the best way
for me could be to modify the resolver component and register it with
another name in order to resolve names in a different way. Correct me if
this is not possible, I've read it in router.xml, section <alias/>:

       Packets destined for the domain specified in the "name" attribute
       will be routed to the component that has currently bound the name
       in the "target" attribute (assuming it is online).

> JEP-0114 (http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0114.html) - Jabber Component
> Protocol
> jabberd2 component protocol:
> http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/dev/docs/component.shtml
> jabberd2 resolver protocol:
> http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/dev/docs/resolver.shtml
> jabberd2 session control protocol:
> http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/dev/docs/session.shtml

Thanks for the links very useful. Any link to some code documentation
would be appreciated.
I don't want to bother anyone, so I'll continue studying the code.

Thanks again
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