[jdev] my own xml in body tag

Ulrich Staudinger us at activestocks.de
Sun May 15 09:33:51 CDT 2005

Tijl Houtbeckers schrieb:

> On Sun, 15 May 2005 09:12:21 +0200, Julian Missig <julian at jabber.org>  
> wrote:
>> It is, however, against typical Jabber convention. It's legal XML, 
>> but  it's not Jabber convention. Jabber convention is to use the <x/> 
>> element.
>> Julian
> I have been using and developing with Jabber for many years now, and 
> never  took notice of this "convention". Might I add that if such a 
> convention  exists, I propose it to be deemed "silly" and no longer be 
> followed. +1  please.
> Seriously now.. what's the point of calling it x? Maybe in the era 
> before  namespace-aware parsers this could have been *slighty* 
> usefull, but  nowadays?
> I would suggest using something that describes the data it's carrying, 
> so  "game" is still a little bit broad if you ask me. Technically it 
> doesn't  matter ofcourse... you can use anything, it's your namespace. 
> Your  favorite pet, your mother's maiden name, the capital of Iceland, 
> it's all  good. But typically in XML you choose something descriptive 
> of your data.  "x" hardly qualifies for that I'd think.

I always used the X tag in many applications. Quite some libraries have 
X-tag handlers - i.e. Smack.
It's quite standard to transmit payload in the X tag, at least according 
to my experience. You simply transmit all inside an X-Tag (eXtensions) 
and mark the data inside that x-tag with a namespace. Quite handy ...


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