[jdev] my own xml in body tag

Ulrich Staudinger us at activestocks.de
Sun May 15 06:49:54 CDT 2005

yrc schrieb:

> Thank you all !
> I think I gona use something like that:
> <message to='...' type='chat' from='...'>
>      <x xmlns='http:/some.your.na/mespace'>
>          <game nbPlayers='10' />
>      </x>
> </message>
> if I've well understood, this is the best way to do it. (even if I 
> can't find the spec about the <x> tag ;-) I have to search more... )
> but i don't understand something: what should i have at the address 
> http:/some.your.na/mespace ? what does it means ?
Put there your personal identifier for your data inside the x-tag. Use 
an url - others can browse it and maybe find some informations at your url.

In your code, you can in most libraries add an x-tag handler or 
something quite similar and then 'if' through some namespaces - and then 
hand the content on to your own function.

function handleX(Element x)
    if x.xmlns=='your personal namespace'
       call YourPersonalNameSpaceHandler(x)
    end if
end function


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