[jdev] Opening Stream with Session Id

Julien PUYDT julien.puydt at laposte.net
Tue May 10 13:32:14 CDT 2005

Y H W a écrit :
> when the client connect to jabber server by sending the open stream tag 
> <stream:stream>, and server reply the open stream tag with session id, 
> then we can start sending XML Packet, i wonder to know what we have to 
> do with the open stream tag sent by server to client? do we need the 
> open stream tag with session id(send by server) to tracking to the 
> server?  or Is it just easy for the server to close the connection by 
> sending close stream tag </stream:stream>?

I can't say I understood your question, but the session id is used when 
you authentify...

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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