[jdev] Re: Contact nick change notification

Julien PUYDT julien.puydt at laposte.net
Fri May 6 15:01:10 CDT 2005

George Hazan a écrit :
>   Hello, Richard!
>   Fri, 6 May 2005 18:30:15 +0100 you wrote:
> RD> Remko: I dont believe thats what he ment, he means being alerted to the
> RD> changes of jabber user nicknames.
> Yes, I was talking about the native jabber contacts.
> RD> George: No its not currently possible, ive tried to push for this 
> but lots
> RD> of people seem here dead set against it for some reason, dont really
> RD> understand why, and your comment is yet more evidence that people do
> RD> infact want it.
> That is so, cause there's a lot of cases when the nickname change can 
> help to deliver much more information than the simple status change. Of 
> course, I don't want to display the currently playing song in Winamp 
> there :) maybe that's why people don't want to implement this feature.

Excuse me but I don't follow you at all...

As far as I know, people who have me in their rosters choose under which 
name I appear, not me ; so obviously they don't really need to be 
notified of the changes (but the server will still notify to all their 
active resources about it).

When I'm in a room, then I get to choose my nickname. But when I change 
it, others are notified about it...

Finally, if I want to tell others which song I'm hearing, or have an 
avatar, etc... Isn't pubsub used for that?

That thread confuses me -- just when I thought I was beginning to "get 
it" :-/

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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