[jdev] Re: Windows service

aliban at gmx.net aliban at gmx.net
Thu Mar 31 06:55:30 CST 2005

Btw. i wrote a minimal win32 service. 

It appears in the windows2k/XP service control manager and has only 
the required features like installing/registering service, 
uninstalling/unregistering, start and stop service.

As i did not want to change the code of the application that should 
run as a service on system startup i used a small trick to start it 
from a real service with the system rights.

[system boots]
[SCM - services get started]
[my minimal service starts up] -> CreateProcess() on the real 

Anyway I think the code could help you somehow:


If you want I can adapt this minimal service to start jabberd.exe.
I can do this in a minute and send you the code or add the code to jabberd cvs... 


JID: edrin at jabber.org

On 30 Mar 2005 at 11:28, Tim Anderson wrote:

> <quote>
> It would be most useful to see what needs to be done to make the current cvs
> code build in visual studio:
> http://files.jabberstudio.org/jabberd2/jabberd-2.0cvs20050323.tar.gz
> </quote>
> The link, like the stuff on the jabber.org website, points to
> "jabberd-2.0cvs20050323.tar.tar" I don't know if that's intentional or
> not...
> Tim
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