[jdev] Publish-subscribe

Sander Devrieze s.devrieze at pandora.be
Mon Mar 28 12:17:30 CST 2005

Op maandag 28 maart 2005 20:02, schreef Leonardo Galicia Jiménez:
> Hi, thanks everybody for all recommendations about discovery services it
> was helpful to me. I have a question about Publish-subscribe, do you know a
> jabber server that implement this jep-0060? i would like to test this
> feature of jabber. And do you know what support jabber offer about geopriv
> ietf wg requirementss?

The only XMPP server that can do this AFAIK, is ejabberd 
( http://ejabberd.jabber.ru/ ). A list of severs running ejabberd also can be 
found there.

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

xmpp:sander at l4l.be ( http://jabber.tk/ )
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