[jdev] deferred delivery

Jeremy Nickurak atrus at jabber.spam.rifetech.com
Mon Mar 7 04:28:33 CST 2005

On lun, 2005-02-28 at 21:04 +0100, Tijl Houtbeckers wrote:
>Jabber is instant, near real time. So this means you're get a near real  
>time "instant failure", if your message can not be delivered. This opposed  
>to email where failure isn't "instant" at all, if you send a message it  
>can stay in the queue for up to 2 weeks and there is nothing you can do  
>about it. This is why SMTP uses a store-and-forward architecture.

jabberd has offline storage for when a user is offline. The message gets
silently stored, and delivered once the user logs in. This does not
happen when the server is offline. To me, this seems a fairly
straightforward double-standard.

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