[jdev] which jabber lib to use for a jabber extensed protocol client ?

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Tue Jun 21 11:12:27 CDT 2005

On Tuesday 21 June 2005 04:51 am, Damien Accorsi wrote:
> Could someone help me in order to choose the best library to use ? I
> think about using PSI library (but don't really know it) or a java one
> but don't know which is the most appropriate for this project.

Iris (the library used by Psi) should be sufficient.  Extending 
message/presence is unfortunately not very easy.  However, extending iq is 
easy, and Iris can do file transfer.  Keep in mind that it requires Qt, which 
is a fairly large dependency if you weren't expecting it.

I cannot speak for Java libs, but there are quite a few so you should look at 
them all.


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