[jdev] Organizational IM

Samuel Goto samuelgoto at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 08:48:44 CDT 2005

About viewing a contact list of other fellow employees, as you said, I
am working on a jabber component that should deal with it ... if you
are interested in this, let me know, we can talk more about it ... it
is kind of a extended JUD + vCard + Communities external component ...
perhaps it is what you need ... i'm sending the soc proposol attached.

cya, mel

>Like other IMs, an employee can have a contact list of other fellow
>employees, have one on one chats, group chats.. but there would be
>some restrictions (no file transfers)

On 6/17/05, bowlong <bowlong at sztelecom.com> wrote:
> I've finish the similar work. I used Jabberd as an IM server and developed
> the IM client myself by using an open source component JabberCOM. I also
> developed another client named JabberM to manage the members and groups. It
> works very well in my company. The basic functions are:
> 1. Systematic groups and members management. The administrator defines the
> systematic groups and puts different members to different groups according
> to the organization's department tree. Once a member login to the IM, he
> will see all the members in the company immediately. And he can't delete or
> change the systematic groups. But he can define his personal groups.
> 2. IM's basic functions like one to one chats, group chats, file transfers
> etc.
> 3. Some restrictions. One account can only opened by the administrator. One
> member can't change his nickname (for management purpose) and so on.
> I think jabberd is very great as a public IM server. But for enterprise IM
> server purpose, some optimizations can be made. For example, it doesn't have
> the systematic concept. So if we have 500 members and we want each member
> can see all the other 499 members in his buddy lists. We will have to insert
> 499*499 records into the roster-groups tables. We can absolutely avoid this
> by defined a systematic group table and put 500 records there. But then we
> would have to make some changes of the jabbers sources code. Then it will be
> an enterprise Version of Jabberd. I am thinking about this work recently and
> wonder if there is any people who have the same interest. Maybe we can
> cooperate.
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: jdev-bounces at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-bounces at jabber.org] 代表 Juan
> Federico Sequeda Sanclemente
> 发送时间: 2005年6月17日 3:14
> 收件人: jdev at jabber.org
> 主题: [jdev] Organizational IM
> Hi everybody
> I'm in a proyect where we need to develop an IM for a company. The
> idea is to have a company based server that can send instant messages
> to all the employees that are logged on.  Some may think that email
> would be a solution, but sometimes emails are not read immedialty.  We
> think IM would be the best solution.
> Like other IMs, an employee can have a contact list of other fellow
> employees, have one on one chats, group chats.. but there would be
> some restrictions (no file transfers)
> Do you guys know about any existing program? I have never programmed
> an IM, so any help on how to start would be great, and if there is an
> open source program available similar to my requeriments, that would
> be great!
> Thanks for the help!
> --
> Juan Federico Sequeda Sanclemente
> Tel: +57 2 330 9618
> Cel: +57 310 390 1211
> Cel: +57 310 849 7417
> Cali, Colombia
> ICQ: 323562510
> MSN: jfsequeda at hotmail.com
> jsequeda at univalle.edu.co
> juanfederico at gmail.com
> webmaster at superbacano.com
> www.superbacano.com
> "No es bacano... sino Superbacano!"
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