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Gardner Pomper gardner at networknow.org
Tue Jun 14 09:18:42 CDT 2005

Jacek Konieczny wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 03:43:45PM +0200, Sander Devrieze wrote:
>>I don't know what OpenID is, but the Drupal plugin makes it possible to 
>>authenticate with *any* Jabber ID, on *any* public Jabber server. You can 
>>test this cool feature for example on:
>>http://www.spreadfirefox.org/ (not 100% sure if they have it enabled)
>>Put in the username box your Jabber ID (e.g. joseph at jabberes.org) and the 
>>password of that account in the password box. So no separate registration is 
>You call that a cool feature? Giving away credentials to one service, to
>other, unrelated?  I would understand using JID as userid and
>authenticate it via Jabber (to prove it is authentic and belongs to one
>who is to use it), but not giving my Jabber password to any other
>service not related with my Jabber server.
>	Jacek
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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