[jdev] Google Summer of Code

Sander Devrieze s.devrieze at pandora.be
Tue Jun 14 08:53:27 CDT 2005

Op maandag 13 juni 2005 03:30, schreef Joseph Holsten:
> Wow. There are a ton of related ideas here. Seems cool, but would it
> be worthy of a jabber sponsorship? Mediawiki isn't a sponsor, but it
> would benefit from these ideas more than drupal, in my uniformed
> opinion.

Mediawiki will benefit from the new features, but the Jabber community will 
benefit from the network effects caused by several thousands of Wikipedia 
members that register a Jabber account. If the features are so cool for 
Wikipedia members, they will probably will all get a Jabber ID really fast. 
If then there is a new Wikipedia member, he probably will also register a 
Jabber account to chat with the existing Wikipedia user base that are all 
using Jabber. For more details about network effects, Metcalfe's Law etc., 
see Wikipedia ;-)

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

xmpp:sander at l4l.be ( http://jabber.tk/ )
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