[jdev] Re: S2S and SASL

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Fri Jul 29 05:15:37 CDT 2005

On Friday 29 July 2005 01:56 am, Vinod Panicker wrote:
> I was stating that the RFC is silent about stanza communications
> starting as soon as one connection is successful, before the
> complementary connection has been established.

Good point, it could be interpretted that you must have both connections 
established even if you are only sending in one direction.

> > Failed s2s connections can happen at any time, SASL or not.  I don't
> > think a failed inbound s2s connection should have any effect on
> > established s2s connections.  So in your example you'd be stuck with a
> > one-way channel.
> Any recommendations / standard practices on what to do in case of a
> situation like this?

Do nothing?  I'm pretty sure that's what all the existing servers do today.


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